Wednesday, June 9, 2010
And thanks to Valentina too for getting us in Quest newspaper - awsome job:) The latest Student Scoop with our article also came out yesterday, just in time!
Katie - Advertising
yet again, another MOUNT BOARD post.
There is a problem with mount boards.
people who have not paid but who have their image mounted are at risk of having their image removed.
If you have not yet contacted Bec Gallagher about when you intend to pay for your mounts then you must do so via phone 0412556200 or email:
Breony Welsh
Madeline Holt
Andre Cois
Rebecca Reed
Jessikah Jade Bennett
Olivia Mackenzie
Alana Tibits.
If you are one of these people please contact Bec ASAP.
If you do not reply then there is a chance that your photo will be taken down so that the mount board can be used for somebody elses print.
Alice- budget and fundraising.
Just a quick note
If you have seen the brochure and saw any mistakes, please let me know asap!
Please don't just tell me what is wrong, tell me what it should be I am not a mind reader!
E.g, Tannahs image title is spelt wrong it is actually spelt " "
PLEASE NOTE that if you did not give you're secrets image to nigel by the monday he asked for them you WILL NOT be in the brochure.
unfortunately guys i need to have made these changes and sent the new brochure to printing by 11:30am!
please let everyone know i have written this post and to get on and have a look!
thanks, Tannah
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
all replys for changes need to be made before 11am tomorrow!
BRETT - reallllllyy sorry about the spelling, you're writing was a little hard to read, i should have asked you but i thought i had i right. could you please tell me how to spell the title
KATE MCKIBBEN - is your image the one with the apple?
Kick-ass advertising by the sponsorship team!
Lightspace Update. Because thats how we roll.
Hey peeps,
After a super awesome 8am start, I would like to say a fantastic job has been done on the installation. We are about 95% complete, wrapping up just before 19.00 this evening. So I would just like to say a massive thank you to The Scotch Tape MotherFu*kers, aswell to Michael , Ben and Katie who made it across to help us out today. Greatly appreciated !
We are going back in tomorrow morning to finish off the last bits at 9am.
A few things :
To the guys and girls who were gonna come down and help out tomorrow , I rate as it stands, we are practically almost finished, so rather use the time tomorrow to finish off your Photoshop stuff or catch up on any work you need to hand in.....
Ok there are some issues I just would like to throw out there.
Issues related or issues that involve my team and you ;
1. 1.We noticed there are some images we do not have in our possession, so as the whole submission dates and the rest were so very lenient, we decided to take a different route. Easy as, this is the story - If we do not have your outstanding image, mounted by you, and in our hands by 10am tomorrow morning, it will not be in the exhibition... Sorry, we are not sitting around and waiting for the images. The exhibition is tomorrow. And we worked our asses off today to layout, and put up everything so it’s all spaced out correctly and looking good. We have left one piece of wall space empty to accommodate these late pieces, and on that wall space they will be installed. There is no second option on this.
2. We noticed the program has a few issues , people’s names were not correct, a few images are missing off the program (I know if my name and image was not in the program I would not be a happy camper) This has become our issue, as the mistakes have followed through on those little artist statements that we need to put on the images. We kinda need that corrected, and in uniform (Uniform, I mean all left aligned text, full names and statements) by 10am tomorrow morning. A lot of them were correct, but some were very wrong. We do not want to install statements with incorrect info onto the images, and we don’t want to have to install only the correct ones leaving out some of the peoples info because its incorrect, so please can this be rectified and delivered to us tomorrow .
Issues not related to our team that are related to you;
Ok, there is one mount kit left. And I know there is more than one image yet to grace us with its beautiful presence. So I am not sure who needs to address that. But just letting those people know so when they arrive tomorrow, if they arrive with their image... There is only one mount kit left. This is not a problem related to my team, but I rate its pretty unfair if there are mounted and newly installed images that haven’t been paid for... And if one of the outstanding images that arrive tomorrow have been paid for doesn’t get a mount...
Program needs to be addressed. Some people’s names are incorrect, images are missing, also the outlined points in class, like the box for people to write image names or artist names, they saw and would consider getting into contact to purchase was not put in. Back page formatting needs to be looked at better along with the inner contents to accommodate everyone’s images.
Cool, on another note – Think you all will enjoy the display of your images tomorrow night when you arrive at Lightspace!
On behalf of the Scotch Tape MotherFu*kers.
WHOOOO - We got the 100th post. Awesome! pretty sure we got it. :/
omg dilemma! just printing the brochures and showed some of the class mates and there's some major mistakes in it
e.g bretts name for his image is spelt incorrectly
and kate mckibbin's photo is under katie eve's name???
i know the exhibition is tomorrow but if the branding team could give a second look over the brochure to fix all mistakes...and send it to either katie morgan are i that would be great. that would be great....
Monday, June 7, 2010
Just letting you all know that the advertising team have been putting the final event poster up around the town over the last few days. Don't forget to remind all your guests that the exhibition is on in two days time so people can arrange transport etc and keep inviting all your friends through our facebook event page!
Also a note to the branding team - I still haven't received the event PROGRAM. If you would be able to get that to myself or one of the other members of our team before tomorrow that would be great. It's really URGENT that we have this no later then tomorrow morning so we can print it out and get it to the venue in time.
Katie - Advertising
we currently still have ELEVEN people who owe money for mounting.
this money needs to be paid at the latest on the night of the exhibition.
please be considerate of everyone else who has paid and be responsible as this everyones exhibition. it is a detriment to the entire class if there are people who arent adult enough to chip in their part.
thank you to everyone who as paid, your images look fabulous! :)
thanks everyone.
-budgeting and fundraising.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Lightspace Installation
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Advertising Update
Just an update on advertising,
so far we have put up 100 teaser flyers around brisbane :D the main areas including west end, the city, southbank and the valley!
Also the student scoop should be coming out this week with our article about the exhibition in it. I have been emailing the scoop to get a confirmation that it is coming out this week but they havnet gotten back to me yet.
Also we have been sending messages to the attendees, maybe's and not yet replied people on the "Secrets" Event page on fb, this reminder is to encourage and ensure people do in fact turn up to the exhibition.
I recommend that everyone emails everyone in their email address book the details about wednesday night. If everyone does this the news of our exhibition will spread farther. Also make sure to post details about it on your facebook profile for your friends to see ^^
We are just waiting on the catalogues so that we can print them for the exhibition, can we get them by sunday night at the absolute latest because we want to print them on monday
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get it to us by sunday night!
thanks mel
- advertising
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
We are currently going passed Kuraby station whilst writing this lovely blog post :) Aywhooo.
On wednesday the 2nd of june (tomorrow, aka ann-marie's birthday) it will be our last ever fundraising bbq for this event (sadface) We start cooking at 10am and should be ready to serve at approximately 10.30am.
Yay sausage on bread for brekky!
Exotic sausages (with onion) are $2.50
Ordinary sausages (no onion) are $2.00
Icy cold beverages are $1.50 (coke, solo, lemonade)
Please please please come and visit us and support your exhibiton.
We have all done so brilliantly and deserve for this to work out :D
So remember, 10.30am til approximately 2pm, come laugh at us in our gloves and hairnets :P
Much love (yours truly)Alice (is awesome) and Ann-Marie (birthday girl) woop! x)
(Still laughing)
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Meeting Reports
Photo Tribe - Advertising
Wolfpack - Location
[We are in Brackets] - Budget/Fundraisning
Saturday, May 29, 2010
It's Mazzzz here!
Our graphics/branding team have made a gmail account
We did this so you guys could please send us your artists statements
Why do WE need YOUR artist statements?
It's so our team can PUT THIS IN THE PROGRAM
Now we so far have recieved NO EMAILS YET!
This is really important so our team can do our job
We need to get together everything for this brochure and we need to put in the artist statements
As a class you decided to have artist statements in the program
So it would be much appreciated to get those in to us ASAP since we DO NOT HAVE A LOT OF TIME LEFT
The email to send this to is
Have a good weekend
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Final BBQ
The BBQ has been booked for this Wednesday 2 June from 9.30am at the usual place.
[We are in brackets] team please have everything in place for our last fundrasing event.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Artist Statements
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Submission of Final Images
We now have 56 images so there are still a few missing. In order to get your prints paid for under the sponsorship arrangement, they MUST be submitted by email to the sponsorship team at absolutely no later than 11AM tomorrow (Friday 28th). If you are having trouble, please see one of our friendly sponsorship team members tomorrow morning in Kevin's class and we will be sure to offer you our special "service with a smile*." (*see terms and conditions for full details..)
On behalf of the Sponsorship Team
Hi Guys
To date (being 6.15pm Tuesday night) I have only recieved 30 of the 65 final images for print.
I thought it was made very clear last week, that we had a deadline of this Tuesday for submission of these images.
Come on guys!
postponed BBQ.
The BBQ will not be on tomorrow as there is going to be another on at the same time and place. The final BBQ will be held next Wednesday same time as usual 10:30, for the usual selling price: plain$2 w/o $2:50 and cans of soft drink $1:50 and at the same place as always.
please come and help if you can or just come along and buy a snag x)
Thanks Ann-Marie.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Final Photograph Size
Please forgive my forgetfullness/curiousness but can someone please post on the blog what the final size photograph will be set to? Just so I can make minor changes on mine before I give them to the man himself.
Also can you please post what date it must be in by? I know some people weren't in class that day and will need to know ASAP so they have the weekend to fix their photograph.
Thanks very much.
Ashleigh Wilson
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Exhibiton Numbers
Just letting everyone know that via our facebook event page we have these number so far for people that are to be attending our exhibition!
Attending - 282 peeps
Might rock up - 245 peeps
Still to make up their mind - 407 peeps
Three weeks to go!
BBQ - Wednesday 26 May
The BBQ documents have been uploaded to blackboard under course materials, so those who are involved with the operations of the BBQ, MUST read and comply with those documents.
Nigel :)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Program suggestion
Hey Guys,
Just a suggestion for the program , as a lot of people want to have their work up for sale, I think a cool little idea for the back page of the program would be to have a little box with some lines for people to write in?
With this I mean, there can be text above the box that simply says, “Artwork that caught my eye” or something along those lines – I’ll leave that up to the creative peeps... And then in the box, just some empty lines for people to write down the photographers name and the title of the work that they would be interested in purchasing...
Just an easy way to keep it simple and neat, and also, it could lead to future work if someone likes your style or anything like that....
Ben is setting up an email account that would be placed in the program to deal with any enquiries into a purchase of work...
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Just a reminder!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
PRINTING (Test Prints Completed)
The Sponsorship Team (Hispanic Maids) is coordinating the printing and framing of the images with our sponsor printer, Frontier Digital. If you have any questions or issues about printing and framing, you can email us at
The 5x7 test prints have been printed and will be returned to the curatorial team. The curatorial team will hand your images back to you in class. Please make sure you collect and examine your print. I suggest that you ask Nigel if/how he tweaked your image.
To those few who did not submit test prints, please speak with the curatorial team. We would recommend that you arrange to get test prints before submitting your final. Test prints will only have any relevance if they are printed at Frontier Digital ( Ask for Frank. As Rebekka advised in class, Frontier prints are a little on the dark side, so you may need to adjust for this.
All finals will be 12 x 18 inches so please set your image to RGB with 300DPI and size 12 x 18 in. (Be careful to use inches, not cm, or your image will be too small.)
Huge thanks to Nigel who spent most of Thursday fixing all the errors and correcting the 5 x 7 test prints.
..Jonathan, on behalf of the Sponsorship Team
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Here are our sponsors, as promised. Only the major sponsors should have their logos on any advertising or in the program/brochure.
Major Sponsors:
- Coughlin Financial Services
- Frontier Digital
Minor Sponsors
- Darling Downs Brick Sales
- Maria Kern Health Therapy Centre
- P&R Engineering Services
- Wayne & Maria Varkevisser
Thanks for being so patient, there, Maz. Go work your magic.
But our team desperately needs all the major sponsors
And all small sponsors ASAP!
If you can find there logo too and post it that would be a major help!
Just giving you an update on where the advertising team is at.
Our article for the student scoop was sent in last week by Mel from our team which will be good for promotion of our exhibition. We are also hoping that the teaser posters are now finalised for us today so we are able to start getting them up around town. Since the exhibition is now only 4 weeks away we really only have time for 3 different teaser posters and the final event poster. It is quite urgent that we do start advertising these posters!!
We are also hoping to speak to the Light Space about our advertising options with them. If we are able to put our final event poster on their website that would be a great promotion bonus. We are looking at putting up a larger version of our event poster outside the venue on the night and need to check our signage rights and that this is fine with Light Space. We will speak to the location team today about getting into contact with Light Space.
I am also compiling a list of photographers email addresses that we will be doing a large email-out of the final event poster to. This is just to let the industry know what we are up to and hopefully some photographers will turn up:) So if anyone knows photographers it would be great if you could get their email addresses to me. We are looking at sending this out 1-2 weeks before the 9th (or when we start putting up our final event poster).
And don't forget to keep inviting all your friends to join our facebook event page! Any questions/ ideas about advertising please don't hesitate to come see me or Mel, Sophie, Jeremy and Olivia from our team. Thanks!
Katie - Advertising Team
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
So Lightspace is booked and half paid for. Ann Marie and I went today to pay the $500 for the alcohol license thing and I need to get the ther $500 of the sponsourship team as soon as possible.
With the Catering team I asked him if we can have our own food and what not there he said to hold off on that for now because i will get into contact with the liqour lincense person because he seems to think he might be including something else but i will be in contact with him.
Along with the entertainment its a very echoy room so im not sure if an accustic band would go well there unless they were very quiet and mellow. He has an ipod dock there if we want to put together a nice playlist of background music.
With hanging our images instalation team you need to organise some fishing wire or something to hang our images with. Along to top of the walls he has a metal pole all the way around that we can hang our images from but we need to supply the wire or what ever we want to use. I recomend that the installation team goes down there and checks it out maybe with someone from the sponsourship team so you can decide on print sizes it is a really big space so I think if we had A4 prints it would look rather silly. If you want to organise a time to go down there just talk to me and i will organise it with John the guy incharge at Lightspace.
I think thats everything I will discuss anything else in class tomorrow
Location team
BBQ may have to be postphoned
It has been brought my attention that you are all having an exam next Wednesday for Letece. So I suggest to postphone your bbq for the following week.
It has also been brought to management's attention that a bbq was staged without following the correct procedures and now a few new things need to be considered before another bbq can operate.
We will discuss these issues tomorrow afternoon.
Monday, May 10, 2010
This is Alice and Ann-marie speaking.
On Wednesday the 19th of May the Budgeting and Fundraising team will be holding another SAUSAGE SIZZLE (yay!)
We would like to ask that you all come along to support us in this exciting endeavour :) (oh dear)
for now the bbq qill be in the same place, with some awesome tunes and awesome people.
We kick off at 10.30am, but we dont expect all of you to be there that early. It would be very much appreciated if you came even half an hour before class starts to chill with us :)
Exotic Sausages (with onion) are $2.50
Original Sausages (no onion) are $2.00
Icy Cold Beverages (Coke, Sprite and Solo) are $1.50
ADVERTISING TEAM. We would like it if perhaps you could have some flyers for us to take a look at on Wednesday. maybe a few A4 to stick up and some little ones too :) That way we can 'paint the town' with sausage sizzle flyers.
Besides that, we just want you all to join us :)
p.s Dont forget to bring your 'budget plans' to class on Wednesday for us to take a look at, and also bring any money request forms, we will post a copy of the form on the blog.
p.s.s Does anyone know when the Knew Knowledge exam actually is ? Is it this wednesday or next wednesday?
alrighty people,
alice and ann-marie :P
It's Mazzzz again writing up a blogging storm for everyone to see!
I am looking for a certain someone, now please forgive me that I do not remember your name =[
But I was wondering if this someone [gender;male] could please send me all the logo's from our sponsors so that my team could finalise the teaser posters please =]
I hope everyones had a great weekend!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Print quotes
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
...PLEASE CAN THE CUTORIAL AND THE BRANDING DO THIS ASAP (Like TONIGHTTT!!) because the sooner i send in all the stuff the sooner i will (fingers crossed) get the thumbs up for it to go through...THE FINAL CUTOFF FOR THE NEXT ISSUE OF THE SCOOP IS THIS FRIDAY SO THIS IS URGENT URGENT URGENT!
remember that if this does not make it into the scoop...this will have a bad effect on everyone as this is a great opportunity to advertise considering this magazine reaches EVERYONE in southbank campus!!!!!!!!
thanks :3
Mel Ball
As of the easter break ive been writting teasers up around town, promoting our exhibiton. these teasers include
* shh...the secret is coming...
* shhhhhh....
* the doors are opening soon...
* the doors are opening on the 9th June...
* do you want to know a secret?...
and so on...
Also i recently went to townsville and since i have friends up there who cam create tshirts i was going to go some printed for the exhibiton...while i got the ok to get them done, but because the logo and the location etc wasnt set i wasnt able to get them done so unfortuantely at this stage the shirts are a no go sorry everyone.
Otherwise with advertising everyone is up to date with things such as the facebook event page and the student scoop newsletter, we are just waiting on the teaser posters being finalised (re. the sponsorship details and stuff being put on them) and then we are all going to go crazy and put posters everywhere woo moo
anyways over and out!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
We've gotten alot of images in the past couple of days ( which is great ) but please, try not to send us more than 1 image. This makes our decision harder to make. If you're not sure which one you like best - ASK SOMEONE ELSE!
Also, don't forget to write a description please & thank you. & for those who dont want your work judged by others, remember you can gain more and learn more from a critique rather than a compliment. We are only judging your images based on if it fits the theme or not!
Got it? Good! looking forward to more images tonight!
- Kate & Ashleigh & Jasmine
This Wednesday's Class - 5th May
Calling on all team leaders for a meeting at 2.30pm in class. All other students can turn up at 3.30pm.
You only have a 4 weeks till the exhibition, so I hope you have all been busy submitting your images and finalising your various team requirements for the project.
I will also be requiring minute reports from all teams, on the template I supplied, for tomorrow.
Task 4 is also up on blackboard for your perusal.
See you tomorrow.
Tick Tock goes the clock...tick tock tick tock
Photo submissions are coming in thick and fast which is excellento, but not everyone has submitted their photograph for exhibition night AND for assessment by yours truly.
So unless you want to pass this class and earn recognition on the night, then you need to get your photograph to us right now or ASAP today(!!!!)
For those who have actually paid attention to the blog and submitted their photographs or are in the process of emailing it, that's great!
For those who haven't, you better get your butt into maximum power because the Big Ben Tower-Clock is ticking away.
Yours truly,
Ashleigh Wilson
Darkroom Raiders
Monday, May 3, 2010
Shake what ya momma gave ya!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
teaser poster
Saturday, May 1, 2010
The time has come for some of us students to meet Pete, the art director of THE FORT.
Obviously i have been to the location and it meets my approval. I believe some of you have your reservations... and Pete wants to troubleshoot in person.
So this is a great opportunity for anyone that has any issues to go along to the location, meet the art director and ask any questions.
Possibly the team leaders of all teams should attend, or maybe one person from each group.
This could be the time for the fundraising team to pay Pete, for the installation team to ask about how and where the photos will displayed, for the entertainment / catering team to suss out where / if a band / dj will be set up, and a place for the food / drinks to be stored etc, and so on.
The additonal information i have received from Pete is that if we were to serve alcohol then we would need to apply for a once - off liquor license, and there would be no wristband system, everyone would HAVE TO BE OVER 18. Therefore this will be an alcohol free event. Food is fine to serve, so maybe the catering team can organise non alcoholic drinks?
I was also told yesterday that we do not get the upstairs area, just the whole of the downstairs. However if we have heaps of people attend, and people go along and treat Pete like a King on the meeting day, then maybe we can get upstairs too, and every other thing we want. This is really a good opportunity for everyone to meet Pete, check out the location and make sure you get what you want for your night and your exhibition.
As discussed the price is now $500, reduced from $900.
Pete also said that there would be advertising included in this price, so if a member of the advertising team was to go along to the meeting with Pete, this could be sorted out once and for all!
A member of our location team would also need to attend to finally get the floorplans that I have been emailing Pete about for weeks.
SO... Pete is waiting for my reply of a meeting day and time. I would recommend that anyone that wishes to go comments on this blog, and i will keep checking in on it and call Pete and arrange the suitable time.
Cheers everyone : )
Friday, April 30, 2010
Judging of your Image
Now, we are NOT JUDGING your image quality. It may be a fantastic photo of a Red Bus, exceptional clarity, awesome lighting, a Gold Star shot of a Red Bus! However does it fit the theme? We are just asking that question. If we feel it does not, then we email you back and ask for more information about why you submitted this image ie. a small blurb explaining your thoughts regarding your image. As a group we may have totally missed the concept but we give you the option to steer us in the right direction. Is this not fair? The person in question submitted a blurb of rubbish (though, honoring my commitment to the class I made an attempt to decipher it and asked for more clarification). Please understand we know we are students like yourselves and are submitting our own images to the group for scrutiny as well. So if we ever say to you your image was shite and we are not accepting it on that basis then you have my permission to slap me personally ok ;-> BRETT.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Image Criteria ie. Size
Brett of DarkroomRaiders.
Hey Everyone,
If you dont remember the email its :
Kate McKibben
/ Cutorial Team
Also if we do end up going with buying the shirts, how many did we want to get done. Does everyone want a shirt? If so it might cost a bit to buy seventy odd shirts even if they're cheap $5 ones from lowes or something. If so were looking at $350.
If i could get some idea's and opinions on this before next wednesday, that would be great as we are applying for money then!
Soph - Advertising
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Photo Submissions...can you hear us?
Photo submissions
Request forms.
if you are needing some funds for your group you need to let me (Ann-Marie) know.
I have made up a request form that you must fill out before i can give you any money. YOU MUST GIVE ME BACK THE RECEIPT.
Budget Team.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
this is mel from the advertising group just wanting to give you the update on where advertising is at at the moment...
...currently we are looking into many different areas to advertise. Some publications that we have found include scene magazine, rave magazine, city south news, city news, bmag, and the southbank student scoop.
Each of these publications have large costs with advertising however we are trying to source as many free forms of advertising as possible. One example of a free form of advertising is the student scoop where i have been informed we can even have an editorial written up about our exhibition in not the next issue but the issue after as well as advertise for free in the student scoop.
We are also working on getting teasers and other forms of flyers out to the public asap. We will be handing out flyers for the sausage sizzle tomorrow and hopefully this time next week we will have the final teasers to print and distribute.
Other news is that I have created an event page on facebook for the exhibition, its only a rough version at the moment as i am waiting on branding for the logo as well as confirmation of the venue and when the exhibition starts and finishes. If any of the groups want me to write anymore specific information in the description on the event page just let me or katie (who is our team leader) know.
If you have not already said you are attending the exhibition on facebook, it would be of advantage for you to do so as well as invite your friends to the event. you do this by clicking on "invite friends" in the top right hand corner of the event page :) again if you have any trouble with trying to work out how to do this, just come ask me or anyone else from advertising :)
I will post the link for the facebook event page tonight if you have not already got the invite to the event :)
thanks everyone.
Monday, April 26, 2010
teaser poster
teaser post

Sunday, April 25, 2010
Teaser Posters
Well Advertising team asked us if we could come up with some teaser posters
Here are some drafts of what we've got so far
Camille sent this one in to me :
Mine [Mazzzz]:
I wanted to make mine eye catching so hopefully you guys like what we have so far
Any suggestions?
Saturday, April 24, 2010
A shout out from SNACKMAT!
Hey everyone! Amy here, on behalf of the Catering Team (S.N.A.C.K.M.A.T)
A few people were inquiring about what we are going to be serving on exhibition night and in the last class we managed to put the finishing touches on our menu. So, we now have an official menu list!
We will be presenting this to you during one of the upcoming classes, complete with visuals… so if you have any questions or concerns you are more than welcome to address them then :)
Twooo more things…
I’ve had some questions regarding whether we’ll be preparing and serving the food ourselves -- yep, you bet ya! This is to help ease some stress, as a professional catering team would be impractical on a limited budget… so by doing it ourselves, we’ll be cutting cost but by no means cutting quality. Our team has baking and hospitality students, so we know what we’re doing.
Lastly, ENTERTAINMENT – as far as entertainment goes, we are still waiting to find out what the location is because some venues have restrictions. If the venue will allow it, we’re having a live acoustic set and cd’s on loop to create a little atmosphere. (We'll get back to you on this ;)
Hope that helps and clears up a few things xo
BBQ - Wednesday 28th April
The BBQ has been arranged. It will delivering at 9am hopefully in the same spot we held the SS last time. Things to remember to bring:
baking trays & foil
sharp knife & chopping board
sauce bottles
paper towel
newspapers for underneath the BBQ to clean up all that oil
ipod + tunes & power cables
cash container with lots of change
& anything else you need to bring
Can someone remind me to take the snags out of the freezer on Tuesday
The Fuji's [branding] can you make sure Photo Tribe [advertising] have the SS flyer by Tuesday so they can start to put them up around campus (please make sure you dont tape them onto any painted surfaces)
cheers guys, enjoy your long weekend and I'll see you all on Tuesday
Friday, April 23, 2010
Theme Questions
I just have a few questions for the cutorial team (and anyone else who can shed some light).
(I read Kate's post below about asking questions but instead of emailling the cutorial team I figured I would make mine a post too, so incase anyone has the same questions, they'll see them here)
When it comes to the theme of 'Secrets' I have been working on a few ideas (for my photographic submission). That being said, I'm not too sure what the theme guidlines happen to be. Should my photograph be of a specific secret? Does it have to be my secret? Can it be a made up secret? Or can the photograph simply give the allure of secrecy? How obvious does the secret implied have to be? (I know these are a lot of questions, I'm just curious about the rules envolved before I make a submission as I'd like to be sure my photo is right for the exhibition)
Is using a lot of graphic editing like this (below) ok?:
or does that deviate too far from a photograph? I did the picture above as a simple draft of an idea that related to the theme of secrecy (looking through a keyhole, someone hiding). But the picture is hardly an obvious secret. Should my picture (as I asked above) be a specific secret or can it just be a simple representation of secrecy in itself?
(As I said that is just a first draft so it's not necissarily the best quality final product - sorry for that :P i'm just using it as an example of an idea i was working on.)
Anyway, thanks to anyone who actually read this far as I know I've written a bit :)
If anyone could get back to me on some of this that'd be great!
Marianne Wilson -Installation
Thursday, April 22, 2010
madeline holt - location team
so i have been looking at venues that are more specific to your requests i.e west end, gallery and free and here is what i have been able to come up with
- circle art gallery
They have about 85+m of wall space and they do alot of student exhibitions there, meaning discount for students!
here are the problems...
i rang and spoke to manuel perkins (gallery owner) he is currently overseas and he asked me to email my request, but he will not be able to answer it for two weeks (until he gets back)
he also said that they are pretty much booked out a year in advanced.... which has been the problem with most galleries in west end
- Dogget Street Studio
i have tried contacting the directors and i'm yet to get a reply but here is what i have gathered from the place so far
the place has constant exhibitions on for the next few months (just from looking at the schedual)
it doesn't look like a student friendly place so i don't think it's going to be cheap. they have a good floor space overall but it's all divided up into mini spaces
also it's a decent location, not sure about parking.
another couple of places that may fit the brief
- 9Lives, 694 Ann St, fortitude valley
- Jugglers, 103 brunswick St, Fortitude Valley
- Heiser Gallery, 90 Arthur St, fortitude Valley
from doing research i still think the fort is the best location
- it will actually fit all our artwort AND guests
- we get the location for 3 days which gives us time to do set up and pack up
- they are funding us advertising!!!!
- and throwing in some stuff for us to use to set up with
- the date is actually free
- and to be honest what they are offering us the price is well within reason
anyway guys hope this is helpful
Madeline Holt - Location Team
Photo submissions - Questions?
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Good news from THE FORT.... they are available on the date we want and can accomodate up to 600 people.
I was told I would be getting an email tonight with floorplans and a price, so as soon as I receive this info I will post it up here.
Maybe we have found the perfect location.....
Marie Thomas, Location Team : )

i hope you all like it, it took approximately 6 hours to complete.
I think this camera idea is viable as perfection because a logo should represent the "theme" or value of the "company/thing" it is advertising.
and i say this as fact because of many hard years slogging away becoming a junior graphic designer.
so i honestly believe a camera for a photography exhibition as a logo is like
a barramundi for a fish mongers logo
a pencil and a ruler or notebooks for a stationary store logo.
the background will be white. feel free to make suggestions for adjustments.
Elleia....... Branding Team.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Photo submissions
Friday, April 16, 2010
We went and looked at some places this afternoon.
The Flipbook the Nigel recomended that we look at in westend we went there and no one was there we are currently trying to get into contact with them. It looks like it will be too small for us they have 2 rooms I think. There would be enough wall space but I don't think there would be enough people space. Once I get in contact with them we can go in and have a proper look hopefully should be by tuesday.
Also went to the Circle Gallery in Westend. Looked perfect but they are booked out untill the end of the year. The lady from the Cirlce Gallery recomended that we talk to Brisbane State High School as they have a Gallery that is available to the public there.
I have emailed the teacher from the school that she said I should talk to and I am waiting to hear back from her. I will give her another call see what I can find out from her.
That is our progress so far.
Location team
Photo submissions
Thursday, April 15, 2010
LOGO ideas ?
For those who didn't attend Nigel's class yesterday afternoon, please take note that the photo submissions to our cutorial team has changed:
Therefore, the final submission date will now be WEDNESDAY 5TH MAY 2010 - Now that isn't far away, and it's already April 15th. By now you should all be taking your exhibition photographs, and so far we have not yet received any to be assessed. Use today-5th May strongly to get your idea and photograph sorted.
Good luck all and we look forward to seeing some great work over the coming weeks.
Ashleigh Wilson
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Rough logo

Sponsorship Requests