I just have a few questions for the cutorial team (and anyone else who can shed some light).
(I read Kate's post below about asking questions but instead of emailling the cutorial team I figured I would make mine a post too, so incase anyone has the same questions, they'll see them here)
When it comes to the theme of 'Secrets' I have been working on a few ideas (for my photographic submission). That being said, I'm not too sure what the theme guidlines happen to be. Should my photograph be of a specific secret? Does it have to be my secret? Can it be a made up secret? Or can the photograph simply give the allure of secrecy? How obvious does the secret implied have to be? (I know these are a lot of questions, I'm just curious about the rules envolved before I make a submission as I'd like to be sure my photo is right for the exhibition)
Is using a lot of graphic editing like this (below) ok?:
or does that deviate too far from a photograph? I did the picture above as a simple draft of an idea that related to the theme of secrecy (looking through a keyhole, someone hiding). But the picture is hardly an obvious secret. Should my picture (as I asked above) be a specific secret or can it just be a simple representation of secrecy in itself?
(As I said that is just a first draft so it's not necissarily the best quality final product - sorry for that :P i'm just using it as an example of an idea i was working on.)
Anyway, thanks to anyone who actually read this far as I know I've written a bit :)
If anyone could get back to me on some of this that'd be great!
Marianne Wilson -Installation
Marianne, tsk tsk tsk, were you not listening in class ... The project is "Secrets" behind closed doors. Now what that means to you is what you should photograph. It can be any of those you mentioned, but if too abstract, a brief description of how to read the photograph should be supplied so we can understand what it is you are trying to express and if it is suitable to the above theme. In terms of manipulation it is a photography exhibition so there should be a photographic element not just graphic design, but how much you manipulate it, is I feel a personal decision. What you have supplied above would be acceptable as it fits with the theme.Please submit your photo to the group email as we will view and discuss these images as a group to decide if they fit the theme. ;-> Brett
ReplyDeleteThanks for replying Brett.
ReplyDeleteYup, I did listen in class :) and I know it's 'Behind Closed Doors'. I get that it's subjective, I'm just wondering about specifics.
I think there needs to be more of a concrete definition of what is and isn't appropriate.
But alright, I'll email cutorial :)
Once again, thanks!!!
You champ, getting into that graphic design ay. :) Love it. Cam
ReplyDeletehmmm, ok, more clarification. the area of digital manipulation in photography is a grey one I think everyone would agree. Aipp rep (Sue) said that to accept a photo for their competition that the digital alterations can only be that which may also be achievable in the darkroom. However we are not in a comp, so I think it is fair that so long as your image contains an element of photography then thats ok. Your above image has this element (eye through the keyhole) although it is weak (ie it is a small part of your total image). That being said Cutorial just want to see if it fits with the exhibitions theme, so weak or not that is not for us to critisise. When thinking about what to photograph ask your self if it fits with the guidelines that we supplied: For these purposes I'll look at your image ok Marianne. It should have a photograpic element and represent, convey or express, symbolise the following -
ReplyDelete*Something is hidden (relationship or event)
Your image:
the viewers body (only eye is seen)
whats the eye looking at? its hidden
the eyes (graphic) covered by hands express the idea of hiding
*Involves a level of concern, ie. I dont want anyone to find out about this
*Physical representations - where one is worried about it's effects on others so the witholding of the information creates turmoil. This can be represented either as exterior or internal.
Your image:
The covering of the eyes combined with the keyhole can be applied here. do I look or dont I? Do I want to know this secret.
*Two-faced - eg Professor. Colin Firth secretly gay or Lisa gave an eg of a Trucker putting on makeup in his home
*Physical aspects of a secret
You can see that something has physically been covered up or hidden
Your image:
eyes are covered
the viewers body is obscured
*Limited number of people have knowledge
Your image:
Keyhole limits the no. of viewers
*Defining- eg secret millionaires, or unfaithful spouse etc. Defines their character so they do not want it known.
I hope this is more of a help to anyone who is still a little unsure. Again please email your images to the Gmail account and if your image is not accepeted then we will inform you why ok? Ciao.
Thanks Brett, that was very kind of you.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate you taking the time to write that!
You have answered my questions very well!
Regards :)