Thursday, April 29, 2010


Hey guys just letting you know that we found someone who can print out t-shirts for free. All we have to do is supply our own shirts. Just a quick question into whether you wanted us to buy shirts with some of the money raised...or....anyone who wants a shirt, bring in your own in and we can get them printed.

Also if we do end up going with buying the shirts, how many did we want to get done. Does everyone want a shirt? If so it might cost a bit to buy seventy odd shirts even if they're cheap $5 ones from lowes or something. If so were looking at $350.

If i could get some idea's and opinions on this before next wednesday, that would be great as we are applying for money then!

Soph - Advertising


  1. I think only people that want one supply money for one.

    do you intend to sell them to people that arent in the class? If so maybe take some money raised and get some printed..I wouldn't do more than 5-10 though to see if they actually sell.


  2. I agree.. I personally don't mind forking out $5 for a shirt.

    And that's awesome that you guys found somewhere to do it for free!

  3. Jackson CasagrandeApril 29, 2010 at 9:09 PM

    I think it's kind of pointless printing shirts for a three day, student exhibition....

  4. i agree with jackson but im thinking do it before, so then we are kind of advertising the event in the time up until then event nd also people will come up and say were did you get that shirt and probably ask for one, thus they will wear it and other people will see it and want a shirt, thats if we design it awesome like say the same kind of font as the "The Forts" icon, the house looking icon they have with the gangsta writing maybe?
    Michael - Darkroom Raiders

  5. I am happy paying $5 for a shirt to wear around to get the advertising out there... its awesome that you have found someone who will print the shirts for free..! Great work!

    I think its a good idea, not sure if general public would buy the shirt,(If the design is wicked and the rest, maybe general public would be into buying the shirts) but if like 20 people out of our class buy them and wear them around, then it could provide a good additional amount of exposure and awareness....

  6. well i love awesome tees, with rad designes on it.

    so im up for it( every one loves tees like that, so then ud always wear the awesome shirt like with jeans or somthin out)

    .. maybe have all the same kindda t shirt or what ?

  7. Personally, I wouldn't mind whichever one. I'm happy to supply my own shirt. I really like the idea. :)

    Have we got a design for the shirt yet?

    Ash E.
