Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Hey everyone,
this is mel from the advertising group just wanting to give you the update on where advertising is at at the moment...

...currently we are looking into many different areas to advertise. Some publications that we have found include scene magazine, rave magazine, city south news, city news, bmag, and the southbank student scoop.

Each of these publications have large costs with advertising however we are trying to source as many free forms of advertising as possible. One example of a free form of advertising is the student scoop where i have been informed we can even have an editorial written up about our exhibition in not the next issue but the issue after as well as advertise for free in the student scoop.

We are also working on getting teasers and other forms of flyers out to the public asap. We will be handing out flyers for the sausage sizzle tomorrow and hopefully this time next week we will have the final teasers to print and distribute.

Other news is that I have created an event page on facebook for the exhibition, its only a rough version at the moment as i am waiting on branding for the logo as well as confirmation of the venue and when the exhibition starts and finishes. If any of the groups want me to write anymore specific information in the description on the event page just let me or katie (who is our team leader) know.

If you have not already said you are attending the exhibition on facebook, it would be of advantage for you to do so as well as invite your friends to the event. you do this by clicking on "invite friends" in the top right hand corner of the event page :) again if you have any trouble with trying to work out how to do this, just come ask me or anyone else from advertising :)

I will post the link for the facebook event page tonight if you have not already got the invite to the event :)

thanks everyone.


  1. Mell Ball has already made one too!


    Rebekka (cutorial team)

  2. Thanks for the update Mel!

    Jasmin P

  3. dear Rebekka,
    I made that fb event page haha
    I should have written in the post above my fb name so people didn't get confused my bad...sorry!

    love mel :)
